We are connected to Västerbotten Experience, which is Västerbotten's
seal for the activities that offer Västerbotten's nature and
cultural experiences. We work on the basis of the global criteria
for sustainable tourism developed by the Global Sustainable Tourism Council (GSTC), which means that we work to create positive effects for
the economy, environment and social areas by starting from visitors,
companies, the environment and the local community.
We do this, among other things, by protecting our nature and our local culture, supporting local entrepreneurs and buying locally produced food as much as possible.
Read more about Väseterbotten Experience at: www.vasterbottenexperience.se
This is an important part of our business. The hiding place is largely built on recycled material. Other materials are purchased locally to avoid unnecessary transport. We avoid using plastic and disposable products. All bait material consists of inspected meat waste from Strömdahla, a local slaughterhouse. Our work with the feeding of birds during wintertime contributes to the conservation of biological diversity and rare species are helped to survive in our Swedish nature.